
Labour Market Needs Analysis Report

INSPIRE Labour Market Needs Analysis Report on green, digital, entrepreneurial and resilience and soft skills in the performing arts sector

The INSPIRE partners are delighted to present the first result of this Erasmus + project: a comprehensive Labour Market Needs Analysis Report, with input from 235 stakeholders from the performing arts sector from 5 targeted countries and beyond.

This research, led by Pearle*, aimed at identifying labour market needs and skills gaps in the performing arts sector in terms of green, digital, entrepreneurial, resilience and soft skills. It also gathers best practices and existing training opportunities across the 5 partner countries: Austria, Belgium, Greece, Italy and Spain, with additional desk research on Germany.

The report represents a vital step towards addressing learning needs and labour market demands, ultimately enhancing labour market responsiveness within the industry. It aims to bridge the gap between education and labour market needs, paving the way for a more sustainable and skilled future for professionals in the performing arts. The findings of this report, alongside the analysis of the related ESCO profiles, will serve as a basis to develop the project’s curriculum and training.